One of the best-trusted veterinary reference books in the country and around the world, the sixth edition of Small Animal Internal Medicine takes a problem that begins with an observation of clinical signs and then moves to diagnostic considerations. Two of the authors for this publication – Kristen Couto DVM DACVIM (oncology) and Ann Della Maggiore DVM DACVIM – practice at MarQueen Veterinary Specialty and Emergency Group – one of the leading referral hospitals in California.
Ann Della Maggiore of MarQueen Veterinary Specialty Group provides substantial content to the Small Animal Internal Medicine 6th Edition copy that contains easy to follow algorithms, abundant cross-referencing, and the most up-to-date drug and treatment tables.
Cardiovascular disease, GI disorders, Respiratory system, Hepatobiliary and Exocrine Pancreatic Disorders, Urinary Tract disorders, Endocrine disorders, Neuro, and Metabolic are some of the topics covered here.
Every specialist at MarQueen Veterinary Specialty and Emergency Group has background in the area veterinary clinical research and Dr. Ann Della Maggiore has extensive and exhaustive knowledge of diabetes in dogs and cats. She lectures within the U.S. and around the world on the subject of diabetes. Our emergency doctors at MarQueen are well-rounded and up-to-date on dogs and cats in a diabetic crisis and also have 24-hour access to our internal medicine specialists, if needed.
Dr. Della Maggiore and Dr. Erica Queen are considered two of the top internal medicine specialists in California and are at MarQueen Veterinary most days of the week for consultations or emergency transfer from family veterinarians who feel your dog or cat would be best managed by one of these two internal medicine specialists. These two internal medicine specialists are supported by a heavily trained and knowledgeable registered technical staff that is continually trained on all current medical procedures and protocols such as those contained in the sixth edition of the Small Animal Internal Medicine reference book.
For over five years, MarQueen Veterinary Specialty and Emergency Group is the only non-corporate, non-commission veterinary specialty and emergency hospital, and has continually led the field in both specialty and emergency medicine to provide the best support system for the general practice veterinary community in the Sacramento and surrounding areas. It is our commitment to continue this honor.